In the rearview mirror.

Wow, 2013 is (finally) coming to a close. It hasn’t been easy whatsoever. The year has been full of ups, downs, heartaches, laughter, old friends, new friends, new challenges. It’s always fun for me to look back on the year and reflect. What went right? What didn’t?


1. Do it for yourself: I am a Type A. Sometimes, being a Type A limits me, but when it comes to getting things done, I know to depend on myself to do it. If you want that internship, apply for it. If you want to be in that class, email the professor. If you see something, go for it for yourself. Maybe, you need to be selfish.

2. First impressions are not the only ones that matter: I spent a majority of the year hating people who actually are the best kind of people. I let first impressions and rumors interfere with making my own judgments about people.

3. Own up to your mistakes: I really struggle with admitting that I make mistakes whether personally, professionally or academically. This year was a big, fat learning experience for me. I thought making mistakes made me look weak. Actually, it makes me human.

4. Be your own person: Don’t let anyone try to change you…not a guy or your friends. Because maybe, he isn’t the guy for you, or they aren’t the friends you need.




Lessons almost always come from very rough times. Lessons are about hardships. This year wasn’t all bad. Actually, 2013 was really mundane with a few bad spots, but these really, really great moments made it all worth it.

1. Invisible Children’s Fourth Estate Leadership Summit 2013: Along with 1,499 of my new closest friends, I attended a four day social justice conference. I learned from some of my non-profit heroes. This weekend cemented my future in the non-profit, NGO sector. Honestly, it was really great, and a short blurb will not do it justice. Go, seriously, see lesson 1.

watch the recap here.

2. Finding Cap City ChurchHonestly, I have a whole heck of a lot to be thankful for this year, but finding a church that I truly love is just really wonderful. It’s worth the early mornings. Sometimes, my friends and I even go get pie afterwards.

3. Going to Inauguration 2013: One of the perks of living in the District is getting to really cool things i.e. going to Barack Obama’s inauguration.

4. Traveling: This year, I got to do a bit of traveling to San Diego, LA, Boston and NYC. I have loved the memories made whether it be meeting my roommate’s grandmother’s pastor or taking a last minute day trip to NYC. Here is to another year of travel!


Hindsight is always better.



Radio Silence


It’s been a crazy few months on my end. I recently completed my most challenging semester thus far at American University. Here’s to you, IR Research Methods. I am also in the midst of a few personal battles…mountains out of molehills, etc.

In the next few weeks, I will hopefully get back to posting more frequently. 2014 is already shaping up to be a wonderful year with exciting new opportunities.

Here is to looking up,
